Counter-revolution goes on and on

Counter-revolution goes on and on

Clashing news is currently trending that Arab countries – in which people rose against their corrupt regimes – are seeing the resurfacing of those same regimes aiming to take over and regain power.

The latest of such news is the current Libya negotiations going on between the revolutionaries of Zintan, the Tripoli-based General National Congress (GNC) and the lawyer of Gaddafi’s son – Saif al-Islam –to find a way of releasing the latter, even though his French lawyer had announced recently his release and that he is currently hiding in a secret place.

However, things got complicated and intertwined when Cairo entered the mediation for his release, and even when a proposal was stated to host Gaddafi’s son in Cairo in order to open a free space for him to work.

But what work can Saif al-Islam do for the benefit of Libya?

What is the big deal that everyone is moving towards which will ultimately lead to the reinstatement of Gaddafi’s son to the front of politics? It is evident that the failure of the state and the division of its political power caused major countries to use the recent repressive past in Libya to impose a fait accompli authority which topples all of the different political parties there, despite talk of bribes in the millions paid to the revolutionaries of Zintan to contribute to his release, after being handed over to the international Tribunal.

Perhaps he will return to Libya from Cairo to announce the formation of an entity or a military tribal council of some form, which would return the security to Libya and impose force on the animosity between brothers.

This matter does not end at Libya’s borders but extends to Syria, in which there is recent talk about a swing in Turkish support of its revolution, perhaps aimed at re-adjusting the sharply divided Syrian street and not allowing the revolution to accomplish its duties. Meanwhile, in Egypt, big campaigns trending across social media demand for the re-election of Gamal Husni Mubarak as president of Egypt in the scheduled 2018 elections!

The failure of the political establishment – which raised itself as an alternative to dictatorship across majority of Arab countries – and weakening the international community trust – in terms of building moderate partnerships within their own countries on the one hand and international parties on the other hand – encouraged the international decision-maker to look in its past for "good" partners, despite their immersion in corruption, crime or even blood.

The main recent example is Russia’s success in convincing the world that it is fighting terrorism, as it attacks small terrorist factions rather than going straight to the roots which sponsored oppression and injustice and enlarged and grew rooted in the shadow of poverty and ignorance. The same keeps reoccurring as it caters to the interests of the international community without loaning any attention to building a new civil society that contributes to the production of an elected political class folk that is inconsistent with international resolutions and international law and is committed to the laws of the UN – especially the missing human rights in the countries of the Arab spring. Certainly, these old faces will be but a tool of suppression that increases the plight of the Arab countries and contributes to the suppression of their people.

The word ’revolution’ terrorizes everyone – both dictatorial regimes and democratic systems. It poses an existential threat to dictatorial regimes on the one hand, and threatens the foundations of the flow of funds towards the free world on the other hand. In addition, it disrupts the structure of the agreed-upon arrangements.

It is no wonder that we learned that Europe used all the force it had to attack and prevent the French Revolution from winning, and this is what is actually happening now with the Arab spring.
